Bromine Containing Fumigants Determined as Total Inorganic Bromide
Bromine containing fumigants, mainly methyl bromide, are used for soil disinfection as well as post-harvest treatment of plant products. As a degradation product of these fumigants, bromide may be absorbed by plants from treated soils or it may be contained in fumigated products.
The method describes the determination of total inorganic bromide including the natural bromide content of the analyzed products by GC-ECD after derivatization with propylene oxide.
Outline of the Method
The comminuted samples are suspended in an acidified aqueous solution of propylene oxide, thus bromide being simultaneously extracted and dervatized into 1-bromo-2-propanol and 2-bromo-1-propanol. The derivatives are partitioned into ethyl acetate and determined by GC-ECD without further cleanup.
Bromine Containing Fumigants Det. as Total Inorg. Bromide (PDF - 45 KB)
Published 07-11-2007, 15:14:13
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