The laboratory is equipped with state of the art instrumentation including LC-MS/MS, LC- timsTOF, GC-MS/MS, GC-Orbitrap, GC-MSD etc. as listed below.
Sample processing and preparation
Processing equipment (sample homogenisation):
- Vorwerk, Thermomix 5 and 6
- Retsch, GRINDOMIX GM 200
Mechanical shaker:
- SPEX SamplePrep, 2010 Geno/Grinder
Rotary cone sample dividers (for aliquoting solid chemicals):
- Bürkle, Repro Type AF 14
- Hettich, ROTANTA 460
- Beckman Coulter, Avanti JXN-26
Motorized pipetting / dispensing:
- Eppendorf, Research + Research pro + Xplorer
- Brand, Transferpette
- Eppendorf, Multipette
- Hirschmann, opus dispenser
- Mettler Toledo, Rainin E4 XLS
Balance for standards:
- Mettler Toledo, XPE56
- Mettler Toledo AT 200
- Sciex, Triple Quad 5500+ and Agilent, 1290 Infinty II
- Sciex, Triple Quad 5500+ and Shimadzu, Nexera LC40
- AB Sciex, QTRAP 5500 and Waters, I-Class or Thermoscientific/Dionex, Integrion RFIC
- AB Sciex, QTRAP 5500 and Agilent, 1290
- AB Sciex, QTRAP 6500+ and Shimadzu and Agilent, 1290 Infinty II or Thermoscientific/Dionex, Integrion RFIC
- AB Sciex, QTRAP 6500+ and Agilent, 1290 Infinty II
- Waters Xevo TQ-S micro MS and Waters H-Class Plus
- Bruker, timsTOF Pro2 and Agilent, 1290 Infinty II
- Agilent, 5977B MSD and 8890 with Gerstel, KAS 4C
- Agilent, 7010 TQ and 7890 B with Gerstel, KAS 4C
- Agilent, 8890 and 7010 B with Gerstel, KAS 4
- Thermo, Exactive GC and Trace 1310 with Gerstel, KAS 6
Last modified 17-01-2025, 12:17:24
Published 08-11-2018, 10:58:56
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