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11-03-2025 | EURL-AO

Joint EURLs/NRLs Workshop 2025 in Freiburg 23–25 September 2025
Registration open !!

05-03-2025 | All EURL

Updated Compilation of Sources of Analytical Standards
The EURL compilation of the sources of analytical standards has been updated. It now includes sources of ILISs. This exemplary list aims at facilitating the retrieval of analytical standards by OfLs.

01-03-2025 | EURL-SRM

Report of a Pilot Monitoring Study on Paraquat and Diquat
The report of a pilot monitoring study on residues of paraquat and diquat residues in selected food of plant origin is presented. The provided information should help laboratories to localise commodities that are worthwhile analysing for residues of these two herbicides.

24-02-2025 | All EURL

Pilot-Monitoring on Pesticides in Honey (EURL-AO and EURL-SRM)
The report of the Pilot-Monitoring on Pesticides in Honey was released. This project was a collaboration of the EURL- AO and the EURL-SRM. In total 187 honey samples from more than 30 countries of origin were analyzed for a very large scope of MRM and SRM pesticides and metabolites.

07-02-2025 | EURL-SRM

QuEChERS-Based Method for the Analysis of OPP (sum)
A QuEChERS-based method for the analysis of 2-phenylphenol (sum) is introduced (AcH-QuEChERS). The method involves an acidic hydrolysis under strong conditions. Measurement is preferably conducted by LC-MS/MS.

04-02-2025 | EURL-SRM

Compilation of Residue Findings of QuPPe Compounds 2024
The compilation of residue findings of QuPPe compounds in various food products, analysed in 2024, was uploaded. Aim of these annual compilations of residue findings is to help OfLs to localize SRM-analyte/matrix combinations that are worthwhile monitoring.

15-01-2025 | EURL-FV

EUPT-QUAL17 (formerly EUPT-SM)
European Proficiency Test - Qualitative 17

13-01-2025 | All EURL

EUPT General Protocol (Ed.12) Released
The EUPT General Protocol has been updated. Edition 12 applies to the EUPTs within the 2025 season. To facilitate reading, the text has been shortened by removing some information which is primarily of interrest to the PT Organisers and the EUPT Scientific Committee.

13-01-2025 | EURL-CF

EUPT-CF19 on Rye kernels
Updated EUPT-CF19 page

31-12-2024 | EURL-SRM

Analysis of Acidic Pesticides and Metabolites via CEN-QuEChERS and FA-QuEChERS
A New Version of the Method for Acidic Pesticides and Metabolites via CEN-QuEChERS and FA-QuEChERS (employing Formic Acid) was released. Recoveries of 42 compounds via CEN-QuEChERS and FA- QuEChERS are compared and the theoretical background is discussed.


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About EURL

The concept of the EU Reference Laboratories (EURLs, former CRLs) and National Reference Laboratories (NRLs) is laid down in the Regulation (EC) No 625/2017 of the European Parliament and of the Council. The overall objective of the EURLs and NRLs is to improve the quality, accuracy and comparability of the results generated by official control laboratories.

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